Wednesday 5 February 2020

Unit 5: All about sport. Grammar!

Modal verbs

In this unit, we are seeing some modal verbs. These are: can, must and should.

Can means "saber hacer" or "poder hacer". 

Resultado de imagen de can in english"

Must in affirmative means "deber", as in an obligation or necessity. In negative (mustn't) means that something is forbidden, not allowed. 

Should is used to give advice. It means "deberías" or "no deberías" (shouldn't).

And, since practice makes perfect, here you have some exercises! 

Begginer: Set 1, Set 2, Set 3  
Intermediate: Set 1, Set 2, Set 3 
Advanced: Set 1, Set 2, Set 3 

Adverbs of manner

When we talk about how we do actions, we use adverbs of manner. We can also compare the actions using comparative adverbs or (not) as ... as.

I sing beautifully.
My sister swims faster than me.
My friend sail less badly than me.
I play cricket as well as my brother.

Adverbs of Manner: Definition, Rules & Examples 1

And here you have some exercises to practice it:

Begginer: Set 1
Intermediate and Advanced: Set 1 (you have to read the explanation and click on the exercises below)

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