Monday 16 March 2020

Unit 5: What's on? Grammar!

Hello guys;

As you know, we are now in quarantine, what means that we cannot go to the school building or do the exam we had planned for tomorrow - you're heartbroken, I know. Still, these are not holidays. We have to keep on working hard, especially taking into account that we are not going to recover this time. The lessons I'll give online will be considered done, and we won't see them in class again. We will do the exams, and that is all. So I hope that, being already in bachillerato and being almost adults, you are responsible enough to work on your own.
You can do this, guys 😉

Before we start with the grammar, let me tell you a couple of things:

-It is important that you don't lose your work and study schedules. Try to do a little bit everyday, or coming back to real life will be very hard.
-Don't live in your pajamas. Seriously, it's not a good idea.
-You need to keep listening to people talking in English. Watch TV series, or movies, or whatever, in original version. You can even play videogames in English. But keep listening to it!
-Don't lose your patience. We'll get through this. And in the meantime...

Here you have the grammar of the unit!

This is a really great explanation of the passive voice, carried out by a native speaker. Listen to it! It's a great way to practice both grammar and listening 😃

Here you have the PowerPoint that we saw in class.

And some exercises to practice! Because the exam will be waiting for you... 😈

Passive 1 (Present Simple)
Passive 2 (Past Simple) 
Passive 3 (Present Perfect)
Passive 4 (Future Simple) 
Passive 5 (Mixed Tenses)
Passive 6 (Sentences with two objects)
Passive 7 (Subordinate sentences)

You should be able to do the first five exercises. Exercises 6 and 7 are of an upper level, in cas you want to use these days to improve your performance.

Remember that the last day to hand-in your writings is tomorrow. You can hand them in in the virtual classroom, or send them via email to

Have a nice week everyone! Happy Quarantine! 

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